Episode 40 | Dr David Evans PhD BVSc. Interview – Scientific Approach To Horse Training & Management

In this podcast, Peter and Bryan profile Dr David Evans PhD BVSc who is a well respected Veterinary Consultant in Equine Sport Science and Honorary Associate Professor in the Faculty of Veterinary Science at University of Sydney.

They have an in-depth discussion about his experience in the thoroughbred racing industry, using heart rates and lactates for fitness and scientific aspects of training, management and performance. The challenges of training with new methods compared to older methods.

Dr Evans CNN report on the brilliance of Winx – CLICK HERE

Dr Evans is based in Australia as a consultant to horse owners and trainers, with a focus on practical applications of the science of equine fitness measurement and training. 

There are many crossovers between horse breed types that all performance horse owners may find interesting, and a fascinating insight of the scientific theory to training a thoroughbred at the elite racing level.

Evans Science – https://www.facebook.com/evansscience


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