Ep. 81 | ACHES AND PAINS – Michael Gray – Frontier Physiotherapy

In this podcast, Bryan and Leisa discuss the topic of Aches and Pains with Physiotherapist Michael Gray from Frontier Physiotherapy.
This podcast is suitable to everyone who is involved in physical exercise or a physical occupation. The horse rider is used as the physical example.

  • Introduction to Michael Gray and his background on industry experiences both professional and personal
  • Discussion of the most common pain types experienced by horse riders
  • Tips on ways to minimise pain and aches using exercise and nutrition
  • The effects of collagen peptides on the structure of the body
  • What is a Tendinopathy and how does it heal?
  • And more!

CEN Collagen Peptides – https://cennutrition.com.au/for-you/

Frontier Physiology – Michael Gray – https://frontierphysio.com


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