11 Signs Your Dog May Need Canine Probiotics
Dog health and nutrition go paw-in-paw. From maintaining a healthy coat to supporting digestion, your dog’s overall wellbeing is closely tied to its gut health. When the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to various issues—some more obvious than others. If your dog is experiencing any of the following signs, it may…
Preventing Hip Dysplasia In Dogs
What are the Symptoms? An affliction of puppyhood marked by the rather sudden appearance of limping, often several hours after vigorous activity. Lameness in the rear legs and usually one leg is favoured. The dog may be in pain and whimper as it walks. Appetite and activity often decline. Five to six months of age…
Do Dogs Need Vitamin Supplements?
By supplementing with a wide range of vitamins and minerals you are attempting to bring an optimal payload of nutrition to all the cells in the body.
Pancreatitis in Dogs – The Cause Is Carbohydrates And Processed Food, Not Fat!
Pancreatitis – The Cause Is Carbohydrates And Processed Food, Not Fat!
Prescription Diets – Are You Getting Played?
Is a prescription diet really any different to regular kibble in the pet shop other than an inflated price tag?
S.Boulardii For Giardia – Think Of Probiotics
When we think of probiotics, we think of bacteria. However, soil-based probiotics, such as S.boulardii, are actually yeasts. Learn more
Why Carbohydrates are Not Necessary for a Healthy Canine Diet
Dogs do not have a nutritional requirement for carbohydrates.
Dog Feeding Guides and Daily Calories
In This Article:Confusing feeding guidesSource of caloriesSimple concept of caloriesImportant facts We’ve all known people who could seemingly just think “donuts” and gain weight. Also, we’ve known people who could eat an entire dozen on a regular basis and stay trim. There is a wide range in people’s metabolic efficiency, and pets are no different.…