Ep. 77 | TANJA KRAUS AND PHIL MONAGHAN – Holistic Equine Education

In this podcast, Bryan interviews Tanja Kraus and Phil Monaghan about their ‘Gap Year Tour’ – 12 months of touring and teaching collaboration clinics! The response of traveling their horses hundreds of kms on the CEN feed and supplement range. We will also discuss client questions including:

  • Transitioning from snaffle bit to hackamore
  • Strategies to stop a horse from pawing
  • Mental relaxation and your horse

Phil Monaghan is a level 3 cowboy dressage Clinician, and both Tanja and Phil have competed successfully in the United States – Tanja winning the Cowboy Dressage Top Hand Competition in 2018 and in 2019 was a Riding for the Brand finalist with Phil placing in the top 3 in Riding for the Brand. In 2021 Tanja was a top finalist in the Cowgirls Gathering – Race to Ranch Competition 2021.

Gap Year Tour Clinics 2022 – http://www.horsemanshipforperformance.com/2022-gap-year-tour.html

Tanja’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/tanjakraushorsemanship
Tanja’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanjaKrausHorsemanship
Phil’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/philmonaghanjaquimaafreno


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Ep. 135 | 2024 TOM QUILTY GOLD CUP WINNER – Emma Ireland

In this episode, Bryan interviews the 2024 Tom Quilty Gold Cup champion, Emma Ireland! 
Emma and her seven-year-old stallion, Razorback Kelly’s Fire, conquered 160 kilometers of rugged terrain at Wirrina Cove, South Australia, with a winning time of 11 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds. They didn’t just take home the Gold Cup—they also claimed the prestigious Best Conditioned award!

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