Episode 18 | CAN YOU FIX MY MARE? – Amy & Rella’s Story Of Persistence

In this podcast, Bryan interviews Amy Cullen owner of 23 yr old Thoroughbred “RELLA” and the journey of fixing her health issues in the hope she can ride her at her wedding!
The solution to the RELLA’s health is not straight forward and is a story of never giving up and always asking for a 2nd opinion.

Scroll down for Episode Notes & Photos.


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Interview notes & links:

Osteopath – Kate Williams – https://www.facebook.com/happyhorsesportstherapy/

Dr Lousie Cosgrove – https://www.facebook.com/EEVS1

Erika Gough – https://www.facebook.com/insideoutequinehealth

Brisbane PEMF Therapy – https://www.facebook.com/brisbanepemftherapy/

Ovary Manipulation Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/831196650628167/?ref=share

She looks so much more relaxed!

She looks so much more relaxed!

She looks so much more relaxed


Ep. 135 | 2024 TOM QUILTY GOLD CUP WINNER – Emma Ireland

In this episode, Bryan interviews the 2024 Tom Quilty Gold Cup champion, Emma Ireland! 
Emma and her seven-year-old stallion, Razorback Kelly’s Fire, conquered 160 kilometers of rugged terrain at Wirrina Cove, South Australia, with a winning time of 11 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds. They didn’t just take home the Gold Cup—they also claimed the prestigious Best Conditioned award!

Listen Now »


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